Ahuama, O. C. and Emereole, C. G

This study investigated some aspects of climatic and socioeconomic factors, which may influence the occurrence of allergic conjunctivitis among primary school pupils. A sample population of 150 pupils aged 5-15 years was randomly selected from different schools. The subjects were drawn from pupils of various classes and socioeconomic background. Questionnaire and clinical examination were used. The result revealed that climatic factor influences the occurrence of allergic conjunctivitis, 48.9% during harmattan season and 26% during the rainy season. Occurrence in females was 59.3% compared to 32% in males. Pupils of the parents who were artisans had 52% while those whose parents were professionals had
18.2%. Pupils within the age of 9-12 had67.9%, while the age group 13-15 had 13.9%. Clinical sign on the conjunctiva only was seen on 67.9% of the pupils while 1.4% had a clinical sign on the conjunctiva, eyelid and cornea.
Keywords: Corneal surfaces, Tear film, Non-invasive tear break-up time (TBUT), Invasive tear break-up time (NIBUT), Stability.