Timothy, C. O. And Odimegwu, M. I.

Telfaira Occidentalis (fluted pumpkin) is a vital source of plant vitamin, Zinc and a food antioxidant. The study was designed to determine the effect of Telfaira Occidentalis (T. Occidentalis) extract on the photo-stress recovery time (PSRT) of young Nigerian adults. The PSRT of forty subjects was determined before and after the ingestion of 180ml of the extract in three divide doses of 60ml daily for three days, using photic radiation from an ophthalmoscope on subjects who has a minimum PSRT of 30 seconds (secs). The post-test was measured at 24hrs interval for a period of 72hrs (3days). The results showed a reduction in the mean baseline PRST value (48.56secs). The induced values were 45.30secs, 40.67secs, and 35.38secs at 24hrs, 48hrs and 72hrs respectively. This showed a percentage reduction of 6.49%, 16.25% and 26.73% per 24hrs interval. The effect was found to be insignificant (P<0.05). Individuals with pigment epithelial retinopathy and other retinal or macular problems could benefit from a high dose of T. Occidentalis extract administration.
Keywords: Age, Visual Acuity, Refractive Error, Accommodation, Contrast Sensitivity.