Uzodike, E. B. And Igwe, I. C

This research work was aimed at determining the efficacy of garlic extract (GE) on staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) conjunctivitis. The experiment was carried out in vitro and in vivo. Double dilution method, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and zone of inhibition were used in the two
investigations to determine this efficacy. GE efficacy was also compared to that of a know antibiotic gentamycin. The data obtained were analyzed using tables, t-test and Chi-square Yate’s correction for continuity. Results showed MIC to be 31.25 mg/ml. GE (stock) efficacy was comparable to gentamycin drug as both resolved S. aureus infectionwithin8 and6 days (respectively) of treatment while appreciable growth was recorded in the control group 15 days post-infection. The statistical result using Chi-square
showed that sensitivity of S.aureus and type of treatment were independent. T-test showed that sensitivity of S.aureus to GE was statistically significant (p>0.0.5).
Staphylococcus aureus, Garlic extract, Conjunctivitis, Gentamycin, Bioload, Double