Timothy, C. O. And Chima, O. U

Sulphadoxine and pyrimethamine are components contained in anti-malaria drugs like Fansidar®, Maloxine®, Amalar® Malariech® and others. They are contained in 500mg of sulphadoxine and 25mg of pyrimethamine. They catalyse the critical stages in the biosynthesis of folic acid. The research was carried out to determine the effect of sulphadoxine and pyrimethamine on habitual lateral phoria (HLP) and near-point of convergence (NPC). One Hundred volunteers of either sex and age range of 18-29 were used for the research while the visual parameters tested were the HLP at far and near and NPC before the intake of Fansidar®. These parameters were also determined 4hours post-ingestion of Fansidar®. The analysis revealed that the intake of Fansidar® decreased the NPC by 13. 3%, caused no change in the LP at far in 70% of the subjects and 60% at near. Statistical analysis using Z-test showed no significant effect (p<0.05).
Keywords: Sulphadoxine, Pyrimethamine, Near point convergence, Habitual lateral phoria, Malaria.