Egbeahie, S. E.,1 Idu, F.K2 and Chidi-Egboka, N. C.3
- Modupe Eye Centre, Ogbomoso, Oyo State. Nigeria
- Department of Optometry, University Of Benin, Benin City. Nigeria
- Department of Optometry and Vision Science, University Of Ilorin, Ilorin. Nigeria.
Corresponding Author: Lynett Masiwa Email: Phone: +263773596419

This study was carried out to determine the effect of combined intake of Garcinia kola and Ascorbic acid on Intraocular pressure (IOP) of normotensive Nigerians. A total of one hundred and sixty (n= 160) participants, males, and females within the age range of 18-50 years (Mean age = 29.29± 8.74) were used for this study. The participants were randomly assigned to four groups: A, B, C, D (n=40 in each group). About 500mg of Ascorbic acid only was administered to subjects in Group A; 7.4g of Garcinia kola only was administered to subjects in Group B; combined 7.4g of Garcinia kola and 500mg of Ascorbic acid was administered to subjects in group C, while 100ml of water was administered to Group D to serve as a control. The IOP of each subject was measured with a Tonopen Tonometer pre and post ingestions of the assigned treatment at 30 minutes interval for 120 minutes. The findings showed a statistically significant reduction (p< 0.05) in mean IOP from baseline values in groups A, B, and C at 60minutes and 90 minutes post administration of assigned treatment, with peak reduction at 60 minutes. The percentage change in mean IOP at 60 minutes in Groups A, B, C were 6.76%, 15.07%, 23.04% respectively. This change was statistically significant (p<0.05) in the three groups, with group C recording the highest reduction in mean IOP. There was, however, an increase in
mean IOP towards baseline after 60 minutes. Group D recorded no statistically significant change in mean IOP. The reduction in mean IOP recorded in group C was statistically significant at all times of assessment post-ingestion. (P<0.005). It was concluded from this study that combined intake of Garcinia kola and Ascorbic acid had a greater effect on IOP than Garcinia kola or Ascorbic acid alone. However, this effect was transient,
since the reduction was not sustained after 60 minutes of ingestion. This may form the basis for the development of affordable medicine for lowering IOP.
Keywords: Garcinia kola, Ascorbic acid, intraocular pressure, tonometer.