Ubani, Udo Ahanna

The common bacterial isolates and their antibiotics susceptibility were studied in 298 bacterial eye infected cases, consisting of 35 blepharitis, 208 conjunctivitis and 55 keratitis. The results yielded 333 bacterial isolates with the implicated bacteria in decreasing order of frequency as Staphylococcus aureus 80(23.70%), Staphylococcus albus 65(19.20%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa 34(10.10%), Streptococcus pneumoniae 29(8.60%), Haemophilus influenzae 26(7.70%), Streptococcus pyogene 20(6.20%), Klebsiella pneumoniae 18(6.20%), Escherichia coli 15(4.40%), Neisseria gonorrhoeae 13(3.90%), Streptococcus viridans11(3.50%), Moraxella catarrhalis 10(3.0%), Streptococcus faecalis 5(1.50%), Proteus mirabilis 5(1.50%) and Neisseria meningitides 1(0.30%). Bacteria were isolated most on the eye infections of the conjunctiva 222(66.70%), then the cornea 65(20.10%), and least on the eyelids 44(13.20%). Bacterial isolates varied in the clinical features; p<0.01. The age distribution showed isolation of 77(23.20%) and 79(23.70%) in the age groups of 0-2+ and 3-11+ respectively, which was comparable to 66(19.80%) for the 12-17+; 18-39+ age groups 61(18.30%) and 50(15.0%) for the 40s and above. Bacterial isolates had no predilection for the age of patients(p<0.95). Klebsiella pneumonia was the most resistant to all the antibacterial preparations. The bacterial isolates were more susceptible to the 2 generation quinolones than the 1 generations. The study recommends them to be available as ophthalmic preparations, to be dispensed by qualified practitioners to avoid the development of resistance from indiscriminate use.
Keywords: Blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, bacterial isolates and antibiotics susceptibility.