Efe S. Odjimogho & Stella E. Odjimogho

Title of this book quickly suggests the targeted reading community, which is made up of professionals in Eye-care service and the general public. Understandably, there are two identifiable parts of this title, firstly, the understanding of common Eye problems; secondly the guide to the treatment of those common Eye problems.
The first part probably is for the benefit of the general public while latter acts both as a clinical guide to the practitioner and as an assurance to the patient that the practitioner has adopted the correct line of treatment for his eye problem. It is important to note this, especially for the practitioner who may think that the title would have more appropriately read “Management of common ocular problems”.
The introduction occupies eight (8) pages of this book because the authors did not just introduce the book as a suit but went further to illustrate some basic psychological misconceptions arising from the use of eyeglasses. Hence such rhetoric questions as “Eyeballs shrink from prolong use of glasses?”
“Regular use of glasses could spoil eyes?” appeared as sub-heading. In answering these questions, the authors successfully explained the psychological phenomena that lead to the erroneous conception that the eyeballs of those who wear glasses all the time tend to shrink or become smaller in size and that regular use of glasses will eventually damage one’s eyes.